neděle 2. června 2013

My experience with Open Learning

I think that my learning didn't start to change to a more open one until our course Learning and teaching in the 21st century has started. Or more precisely, it is the first time I participate in a course where we consciously and purposefully use networking and sharing resources. We have shared a lot of resources - for example notes from the lectures and seminars, our presentations and papers as well as opinions, ideas and information - with my peers at the university since the beginning of our studies. However, this kind of sharing was done in an "unofficial" and random way. But it was very effective. Such sharing was (and still is) tightly connected with social learning and I have experienced that social learning always had a positive effect on my results. It is very helpful for me, for instance, when we take some time with my friends before writing a test and go through the topics and questions together, discuss them and clear things up. Exchanging ideas and opinions broadens one's view on the topic and encourages one to take more perspectives on the issue. Two heads are better than one.

In the open learning environment we have in our course Learning and teaching in the 21st century we use a lot of task-based learning. The procedure is step-by-step from one related topic to another and from simplier to complexer ones. We use a lot of sharing - we share not only information and knowledge but also opinions and data. All of the participants of the course are interconnected and can contact each other easily. Our learning is based on technology - i.e. it would not be possible without our basic knowledge of computing.

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